





So, what ultimately causes poor ventilation?
Xu Wei, the director of the Air Conditioning Institute of China Construction Research Institute, reflects on the current construction and believes that in the past, domestic construction only focused on cooling and heating in the planning of the air conditioning system, neglecting the requirements for air quality. The number of fresh air changes for air conditioning was only 0.54. Nowadays, the average fresh air volume per person and hour in public buildings in the United States reaches 50 cubic meters, compared to less than half of that in European and American countries.
Moreover, the chaotic construction structure of modern buildings leads to the lack of ventilation and the inability to provide natural ventilation. Therefore, an artificial ventilation system can only be adopted. Due to the cost and operational constraints of the ventilation system, as well as the lack of strict knowledge about ventilation and health among many people, especially in densely populated public places and entertainment venues, the ventilation volume is far from meeting the requirements of health.
Nowadays, many developers of public buildings and office buildings only focus on lighting, often turning windows into dead or sliding semi open windows, blocking or reducing the activity of natural wind indoors. This plan has reduced initial investment, but in the 2003 SARS epidemic, due to the discontinuation of most circulating air conditioners, the problems exposed were very outstanding.
Another more noteworthy phenomenon is that some real estate and office buildings, in order to hype up, deliberately boast that the houses have a fresh air system, but in fact, the foundation does not have a fresh air system; Even with a fresh air system, the fresh air volume varies greatly, usually only reaching 3% to 15%. Because there is no energy recovery function for the new air volume, properties often close or reduce the new air volume when operating the air conditioning system to reduce the huge heat loss caused by the new air.


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